About/Contact Us
Lone Elephant
Please send any business enquiries, such as collaborative interests, to loneelephant@outlook.com. This includes any charities who are interested in working with us or any suggestions for the next charity to contribute to!
Any customers who wish to ask further questions, or raise a query, please email help@loneelephant.co.uk
Be sure to follow us on Instagram, @lone_elephant
Lone Elephant are committed to giving 10% of sales from all projects to charitable causes that make the world a better place.
Find all charities we contribute to under Help The World. Even if you buy nothing on this website but click a link and contribute some of your own money, then we have still been successful in our mission. Lone Elephant only hope that as we grow, we can offer more to charity and help make the world a better place. Wear The World is only the start of the projects that Lone Elephant aim to bring you in the future. Who says we can't change the world?
Jamie and Lara Founders, Lone Elephant